Tuesday, 1 May 2012

'computer says no'

Note to self: do not try to do anything remotely 'brainy' when fuelled by crazy woman hormones!! I started my IT assessment today for word processing and it all went really well for the first hour or so. Then it asked me to do something that wasn't fully covered in the course notes and it all went totally kaput. Cue me cursing at my computer and threatening to throw it out of the window. Had another bash after tea and still couldn't figure it out, so I've emailed my course tutor to try and get some pointers. I bet it's really simple, but when my brain is like this I really should just stick to soap operas! I've been quite busy today so I haven't managed to pick up any stitching. I'm wishing I'd left just a little more space around the edges, because I'm having to take it out of the frame to work on the outside of the design. Today was my shift in the pub, it didn't get off to the greatest start because I forgot my coffee, the fire wouldn't light and I was late opening up. See first reason for why everything went wrong. Then someone came in who I hadn't seen before, to be honest he looked as though he'd poured his beer on his breakfast but if he's got money who am I to refuse him service? He kept on drinking, and trying to chat me up, and generally making me feel quite uncomfy. I soon found out that he was a barred customer and shouldn't have been in. So I got to throw him out, result!! (not literally throw obviusly) it did feel good though. After that the rest of the day was lovely!! Back at work tomorrow, really not looking forward to it, I just hope it's uneventful and passes quickly!!

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